
  • 学生会员-学年
    • 学年期间, the Beckerman Recreation Center membership fee for all current full-time and 兼职 网赌上分平台 students is included in their student fees.
    • A 贝克曼娱乐中心会员 includes full access to our facility during operating hours, GroupX类, 校内弹出窗口和联赛, 特别活动.
    • 激活一个新的学生会员, please follow the instructions provided on your Road Map or below in the 会员门户 section.
    • 附件:
      • 最多5名附属会员,详情请参阅下文“附属大学会员”.
      • 储物柜租金为每月10美元(即将推出)!)

    网赌上分平台 students wishing to access the facility during the Summer Intersession between the spring semester and the fall semester are eligible to purchase a Student Summer 会员 to the Beckerman Recreation Center.

    • Students who are enrolled in summer courses and/or for the upcoming fall semester are eligible to purchase a Summer 学生会员.
    • Proof of enrollment in summer courses and/or for the upcoming fall semester will be required at the time of 会员 purchase.
    • Students who graduated in the most recent Spring 毕业典礼 are eligible to purchase a Summer 学生会员.
    • 购买会籍时须提供毕业证明.
    • 请全额付款, 在激活时, 借记卡或信用卡(不包括美国运通卡).
    暑期课程1 暑期课程2 完整的夏天 天通过
    日期范围 5月13日- 6月25日 6月26日- 8月21日 5月13日- 8月21日 Only valid on the date of purchase; multiple visits are permitted on the date of purchase.
    $30 $30 $50 7美元/天


  • All current 网赌上分平台 教师 and Staff are eligible to purchase a 教师/Staff 会员 to the Beckerman Recreation Center.

    为了有资格购买以下会员资格, 你必须是网赌上分平台的在职员工. Our 会员 Team will create your membership profile and email you when you may come to activate your membership at the Beckerman Recreation Center Welcome Desk.

    请注意:索迪斯, 中心有限责任公司, 兼职, 兼职, and any other non-网赌上分平台 employees are not eligible to enroll in payroll deductions. All non-网赌上分平台 full-time employees may only choose to enroll in a 每月的重复, 4个月的前期, 或年度预付会员.


    • 工资扣除会员是每月一次, 当前的重复成员, 网赌上分平台全职员工. 在激活时可能需要就业证明.
    • 每月$12直接从会员的薪水中通过薪资办公室支付.
    • Payroll deduction for monthly fees will remain active until cancelled through the 会员 Cancellation Form (see “会员 & 储物柜租赁取消(见下文).
    • 每月重复会员是按月收费的, 网赌上分平台现有员工的重复会员资格. 在激活时可能需要就业证明.
    • 每月12美元,直接从会员的信用卡中支付.
    • Repetitive charges for my monthly fees will remain active until cancelled through the 会员 Cancellation Form (see “会员 & 储物柜租赁取消(见下文).
    • A 4个月的前期 is a paid in full membership for current 网赌上分平台 employees. 在激活时可能需要就业证明.
    • 一次性费用为50美元. 此会员资格需要全额付款, 在使用支票或信用卡(借记卡或信用卡)激活时, 不包括美国运通).
    • 会员资格自购买之日起4个月失效.
    • 预付会员资格不能取消(见“会员资格”) & 储物柜租赁取消(见下文).
    • An 年度前期 is a paid in full membership for current 网赌上分平台 employees. 在激活时可能需要就业证明.
    • 一次性费用144美元. 此会员资格需要全额付款, 在使用支票或信用卡(借记卡或信用卡)激活时, 不包括美国运通).
    • 会员资格自购买之日起12个月失效.
      • 预付会员资格不能取消(见“会员资格”) & 储物柜租赁取消(见下文).

    Single day pass for current 网赌上分平台 教师 and Staff without a Beckerman Recreation Center membership.

    • 必须有就业证明,如大学的学生证、电子邮件、工资单等.
    • 每日$7 -只于购买当日有效. 这需要全额付款, 在使用支票或信用卡(借记卡或信用卡)激活时, 不包括美国运通).
    • 购买之日起允许多次参观.


    • 最多5名附属会员,详情请参阅下文“附属大学会员”.
    • 储物柜租金为每月10美元(即将推出)!)
    4个月的前期 年度前期 工资扣除 每月的重复 天通过
    日期范围 自购买会籍之日起4个月失效 自购买会籍之日起12个月失效 Ongoing; member must submit written notice of cancellation Ongoing; member must submit written notice of cancellation Only valid on the date of purchase; multiple visits are permitted on the date of purchase.
    $50 $144 12美元/月 12美元/月 7美元/天


  • 网赌上分平台校友 & 依赖会员

    这些成员资格暂时不可用. If you would like to inquire about this type of membership or your other options to access the gym, 如有任何问题,请电邮至 ChargerREC@chiaploting.net.


    Active Beckerman Recreation Center Members can purchase a single day pass for anyone over the age of 16. 活跃会员将赞助客人.

    • 每张客人入场券$10 -只于购买当日有效. 这需要全额付款, 在使用支票或信用卡(借记卡或信用卡)激活时, 不包括美国运通).
      • 本店不接受现金.
      • 购买之日起允许多次参观.
    • 会员每天最多可以赞助两位客人.
    • 年龄限制:
      • 15岁或以下的个人不允许被赞助为客人.
      • Individuals 16 years of age and younger are not permitted in the Fitness Center (including upper-level cardio area, 低层举重室, 功能训练室.)
      • 17岁及以下的个人不能签署自己的“风险承担”, 豁免, 和免除责任协议”, 弃权书必须由法定监护人签署.
    • 客人必须在激活时出示政府签发的身份证件或带照片的身份证件. 身份证明必须有合法的姓名、照片和出生日期.
    • 赞助会员必须在激活时到场.
    • 客人在设施内必须始终与赞助商在一起.
    • Guests will be connected to the main 教师/Staff 会员 with the Sponsor taking responsibility for the dependent.
    • Any membership may be cancelled within seven (7) days from the activation date with a full refund. 除了 the 7 day cancellation policy, please see membership-specific cancellation policies below.
    • 会员必须提供取消会员资格的书面证明 会员 & 储物柜租赁取消表格
    • A confirmation email will be sent to the provided email address within five (5) business days of submitting the cancellation form, 通知会员其正式取消日期.
    • Any charges posted on the account during the cancellation process will be the responsibility of the Member.
      • 会员在取消会员资格时,须对任何结余负责.
      • Any exceptions to the cancellation policy must be authorized by the Director of Campus Recreation.
      • The Department of Campus Recreation reserves the right to make a judgment decision on any cancellation and/or refund scenarios not addressed in this policy.
      • 不使用不予退款.
      • 会员 refunds will not be given for Holiday/event closings, facility/ emergency closures, etc.
      • 逾期三(3)个月的会员资格将被终止. 所有费用和结余将由会员负责.
      • Any guest who violates any policy or procedure and has to be removed from the facility will not be given a refund.
    • 取消过程取决于会员资格和付款类型. 详情见下文.
      • 教师/职员工资扣除取消, 收到取消表格后, Member will be assigned an official cancellation date and an official cancellation form will be sent to the Business Office to end payroll deduction. 工资扣除的具体截止日期由营业厅确定.
      • 教师 and staff ending their affiliation with the 网赌上分平台 must cancel their membership upon leaving the University; otherwise they will be responsible for any charges on the account.
      • Members who purchase an 年度前期 会员 are not eligible for early cancellation or refund.
      • Any faculty staff member that is no longer employed by the University will be provided a refund for the prorated portions of their unused membership.
      • Guest and 过一天 will be provided refunds only during emergency/unanticipated closures.

    会员 & 储物柜租赁取消表格

  • 下面的链接允许当前贝克曼娱乐中心会员支付费用, 签署协议和弃权书, 注册项目, 储备法院, 和更多的! 请访问我们的ChargerREC门户网站了解公告和即将推出的计划.

    请注意:会员必须使用与其活动帐户相关联的电子邮件地址. For students, faculty, and staff, this must be their 网赌上分平台 email address.

    要获取用户名和密码或重置密码,请发送电子邮件 ChargerREC@chiaploting.net.


    1. 点击上面的会员门户链接
    2. 点击“忘记密码”?"
    3. 填写你的姓和名,然后是你网赌上分平台的电子邮件地址.
    4. 您将收到一个验证码,用于访问您的帐户.
    5. 审阅并签署风险承担、豁免和免责协议.
    6. 还请填写紧急联系部分以继续激活您的帐户.
    7. You will finalize your account on your first visit to the facility where we will take your profile picture.

    如果你来学校时未满18岁, 请按照以下说明访问您的帐户.

    1. 分享 这个链接 与你的父母/监护人签署你的风险承担书, 豁免, 和免除责任协议.
    2. 一旦协议签署, you (the student) should visit the Beckerman Recreation Center during hours of operation and ask the staff what your next steps are to activate your membership and take your profile picture.