

  • 出国留学有很多原因! Regardless of why or where you go, we can guarantee it will be an experience you will never forget.


    • 了解不同的文化和观点
    • 看世界
    • 发展信心
    • 打造你的简历
    • 给雇主留下深刻印象
    • 获得独立
    • 挑战你自己
    • 课堂之外的学习

  • 学业成绩良好的学生, 没有任何纪律或经济上的限制,有资格出国留学.

  • 出国留学没有标准的时间. The best time to study abroad depends on the individual and their degree program. You should let your academic advisor know if you are interested in studying abroad as well as visit our office. 我们可以共同努力,帮助你规划你的海外经历.

    Click below to view a sample plan for completing your degree in eight semesters, 包括在国外的一个学期.


  • Applications for study abroad are submitted and reviewed the semester prior to going abroad. The deadline for studying abroad in the Fall or Academic Year is April May 2nd. 春季学期课程截止日期为10月26日. 暑期课程的截止日期是2月3日.

  • 在选择课程时,有许多不同的选择. A student should consider their academic, profession and personal goals when selecting a program. Students will need to talk to their academic advisor to determine if a semester or short-term program is best suited to their academic program. Students can study through the 托斯卡纳的校园, Exchange programs and our network of providers.

  • The first step in the process is to attend an information session or meet with an advisor in the Office of 出国留学 to discuss where you want to go and to learn more about the process. All students who wish to study abroad must apply through the 网赌上分平台’s 留学网站. If you are applying to a third-party provider you must wait for university approval first.


  • 大多数出国留学的学生仍然按时毕业. If you’re planning to study abroad bring it up with your advisor and create an academic plan that will include your study abroad experience. 坚持这个计划将有助于确保你按时毕业.

    Click below to view a sample plan for completing your degree in eight semesters, 包括在国外的一个学期.


  • All students who study abroad must complete a course approval form as part of the application process. You will work with your academic advisor to determine how the courses you take abroad will transfer back to the 网赌上分平台.

  • 我们出国留学项目的课程一般用英语授课. Some programs require that you take the language as part of your semester in order to better engage with the host community. For students who wish to specifically pursue language studies there are definitely options for them as well! We recommend that students take language while abroad (and before they go if possible!) in order to make the most of your experience and to be able to really get to know individuals form the place you will be living.

  • If you can fit another program into your academic plan, you can easily go abroad more than once. Make sure to talk to your Academic Advisor and a 出国留学 Advisor to ensure another trip abroad will be beneficial.


  • 是的! 学生必须参加出发前指导. 该课程在学生出国前一个学期在校园内举行. 欢迎朋友和家人参加.

  • We recognize that safety is a matter of utmost concern for parents when their child expresses an interest in studying in a foreign country. 这是我们出发前培训的一部分, parents and student wills be given an overview of the university’s various safety precautions, 以及他们个人可以做些什么来确保他们有一个安全的, 有趣的, 以及愉快的留学经历. 除了, 一旦我们的学生到达他们选择的预先批准的国家, they will again go through an extensive on-site orientation where safety precautions will again be reinforced. 普拉托校区, we have an after-hours emergency phone number available for students and all students can call the 网赌上分平台 Police Department to receive assistance in the event of an emergency. We also enroll all of our students in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), which will send important information from the Embassy about safety conditions in their destination country.

  • The University does everything in our power to ensure all students are safe and healthy while abroad by providing comprehensive information before and during their experience. 普拉托校区, we provide students with an Emergency Information Card before they depart containing a number of in-country personnel and other local emergency numbers for them to contact should they run into any difficulties. Non-Prato students can contact the 网赌上分平台 Police Department for immediate assistance. 另外, we have on-site staff to assist students as they adapt and acclimate to the host culture.

    Although we do everything we can to prepare students and keep them informed of health and safety information, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to follow suggestions and guidelines, 就像这是他们在家里的责任一样.

  • 与学生保持联系的方式有很多种. 大多数家庭选择使用“WhatsApp”和“Viber”," which are international communication applications that provide text messaging, 通过Wi-Fi进行视频通话和音频通话. 其他选择是电子邮件,以及脸谱网或Instagram等社交媒体网站. 除了, 学校将为学生提供一张意大利手机卡, 临时手机, and cell phone plan so they can contact home and their new classmates in their host country.


  • The cost of each program varies depending on location and program structure. For the 托斯卡纳的校园, students are billed standard tuition and fees as a residential student. 对于其他地区的课程,课程价格将有所不同.


  • 在所有学期的课程中, 学生可以获得联邦财政援助, 除了勤工俭学. 为托斯卡纳校区和交换项目, students will maintain access to their institutional aid such as scholarships and grants. 通过我们的供应商网络的项目, 学生无法获得该学期的机构资助.


  • For study abroad in Prato, group airfare is purchased and billed to your university account.

